Sunday, October 13, 2013

6 elements that may increase the dangers of low blood pressure

6 elements that may increase the dangers of low blood pressure
dangers of low blood pressure, causes for low blood pressure, low blood pressure, low blood pressure causes, low blood pressure symptoms, symptoms low blood pressure, symptoms of low blood pressure,

High blood pressure can lead to many problems, but most people are not aware of the dangers of low blood pressure. This condition can lead to some serious health problems, but for those who suffer from it are considerably less than those with hypertension are not many studies have been done on the state. Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood as it flows through the arteries. Your pressure changes a lot during the day.

The foods you eat, stress and anxiety affect your blood in one way or the other all. Most of these factors tend to increase blood pressure, but there are people who have the problem is not very common to have low blood pressure. A consistent read below 90/60mmHg is known as hypotension name. Normally with low pressure is an indicator of good health, but when is still too low is an indicator that you might be suffering from a serious health problem.

Low pressure can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, nausea, blurred vision. Regarding symptoms is easier for a person to notice low pressure high because the lack of symptoms associated with hypertension provides an additional element of risk for the condition. Dangerous low levels of pressure can lead to low blood flow to the brain and the heart which means the oxygen is low for bodies that expose them to critical damage. Other hazards are the effects on organs such as the liver, lungs and kidneys suffer much damage from low blood and oxygen supply.

Common causes of low pressure:

1. Dehydration is a major factor. For the body to function well a certain amount of fluid must be kept. Diarrhea and vomiting can lead to severe dehydration causing a huge drop in pressure. Sweating a lot without drinking the proper amount of water can also lead to dehydration.

2. Some heart medications can also lead to a drop in blood pressure.

3. Drinking too much alcohol can also lead to dehydration which can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

4. Some antidepressants can lead to lower too, ask your doctor about it.

5. One of the most obvious are the high blood pressure medications. Low pressure may be the result of consuming too many antihypertensive drugs. If you are a person with hypertension keep in mind the symptoms that the doctor can help you accordingly.

6. Anemia is a condition that results from iron deficiency or bleeding too. People suffering from anemia and low pressure usually.

Is way easier for a person to increase the pressure rather than lower. Drinking plenty of water will help a lot in stabilizing the pressure and preventing dehydration conditions and others. Increase a little salt intake will also help to increase your blood pressure, but do not overdo it because it can become dangerous. Check if you have anemia or side effects of medication is important to determine the cause of low blood pressure.


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