Monday, September 30, 2013

Low blood pressure: normal health disorder

Low blood pressure: normal health disorder
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Low blood pressure occurs mainly because when your blood pressure drops to normal. It is mainly the weakened state of the body system particularly lacking proper blood flow from the heart through the arteries. It is also called hypotension.

The causes of hypotension:

The causes are weakness, lethargy, dizziness and fatigue. Sometimes the situation is that the person can faint due to the lower end of the blood pressure in the arteries to different parts of the body like the heart, brain and skeletal muscles.

However, the main cause of low blood pressure bad eating habits. The lack of diet can result in blood vessels too relaxed, tense or flaccid. All this leads to the low supply of nutrients and oxygen to body tissues. Malnutrition occurs mainly due to the lack of protein, vitamin C, calories and vitamin B.

In some cases, these falls steadily declining due to excessive blood loss from the body. It can also occur due to slow bleeding in the bladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, or emotional problems.

Home remedies for low blood pressure symptoms:

Beetroot: Beetroot is very beneficial to overcome low blood pressure symptoms. It is recommended that the person should consume a cup of beet juice twice a day for a considerable improvement.

Lemon grass: Indian spikenard is also very helpful in curing the problem of low blood pressure. It is recommended that about 40 to 50 grains with some cinnamon and camphor should be taken with water three times a day to be quite beneficial.

Salt: Salt is an effective home remedy to treat low blood pressure symptoms. It is advisable to increase the intake of salt in the diet until it reaches normal. Try taking a half teaspoon of salt mixed with water properly every day.

Epsom salts bath: To solve the problem of them, it is advisable for the person must take hot Epsom bath every day until BP comes to normal.

However, to provide low blood pressure, it is important to revitalize and rejuvenate the entire system. To start one should eat fresh fruits and vegetables for a week continuously, three times a day after every five hours. After this course, he or she should start taking milk and for at least 15 to 20 days. Later, the person must pass nutritious and balanced diet like grains, seeds and nuts as well as vegetables and fruits.

Apart from that the person should do light exercise such as walking, exercise bike, gardening and breathing. The person must always be itself without tension, happy and positive thinker to avoid the problem of low blood pressure symptoms.

Thus, treatment of problems low blood pressure can be so easy following the remedies mentioned above to homes.


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