Saturday, October 5, 2013

Low blood pressure symptoms can be dangerous to your health

Low blood pressure symptoms can be dangerous to your health
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Low blood pressure can occur for many reasons - some of them only linked randomly - some closely related to an underlying disease or illness. But is it dangerous to have a BP that is too low all the time?

Hypotension is another name for low BP and you will see that I use interchangeably in this article.

The first priority if you find that you have low blood pressure symptoms is to consult your doctor to explore whether there might be something behind. Common culprits include things like low blood count or anemia, infection, drugs or nerve related issues in how the heart and circulation works as a team. Your doctor will probably examine you carefully, and then run one of the few blood tests to check the workings of your system.

If these crossings term basis all the work on clear, then I recommend you buy a blood pressure monitor that you can use at home. It is quite common for someone to feel that they suffer from low BP numbers to find that things are really quite normal when they check it out at home.

But is it dangerous? Is hypotension cause you health problems - the answer is both yes and no.

If your BP is too low, but you feel quite well, then you are at no risk and no doubt might even be healthier than average. But if the opposite is true, then you could be in trouble! Those who have low blood pressure feel bad will be much more at risk for falls, kidney damage or unplanned outage or fainting.

The main message here is to get things checked today if you find yourself struggling with readings of hypotension and BP are lower than they should be.


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